CB: Came and Left feeling Defeated

One of my last counselling sessions was a difficult one. I had multiple ailings to discuss and was just feeling hopeless about everything. One thing I find difficult is admitting when I’m wrong and then having to receive the confirmations about that fact from other people. In this case, it was my counsellor. It’s like:…

CB: I Am Fat?

*Phew* this is a difficult one. I’ve had this post in my drafts for months now, but I’m feeling the fear and doing at anyway. Do you know how hard it is to say that word? “Fat”? How society has depicted the word to be a negative connotation. Akin to being ugly, undesirable, worthless and…

CB: Motherhood?

This is quite easily one of the things that scares me the most. You know it’s one thing you can’t really take back or have a trial period for? It’s for life. My thoughts and feelings toward Motherhood, especially in regards to becoming a Mother myself are very complex and personal. There was a time…

CB: I Got Read to the White Meat

*insert* Now there are some counselling sessions where your counsellor reads your behind like a book. And I mean “read” like telling you about yourself FULLY. And that is precisely what happened to me. Now I have been having a situation recently (well, over the last few months) and there’s always something new or questionable…

CB: The Need to be Needed

I have come to realise I entertain something that is low-key detrimental to myself and others. This is the “need to be needed”. What a phenomenon. Anyone else suffering with me? I have started to think about where this has stemmed from and I know it’s partly because I’ve looked after my younger siblings when…

CB: I Am Just Not Ready

For dating 😵 I promise I just don’t believe I’ll ever be truly ready and raring to go dating. Whenever I’ve recently gotten myself into a position to get to know someone, I am filled with apathy. I truly cannot be bothered. That doesn’t mean I don’t miss the perks of having someone there. That’s…

CB: Hustling on my Own

I went four weeks without a counselling session…. I bet you’re wondering how I survived right? Me too to be perfectly frank. But I’m still here 🥲 So I spent a month away from York, mostly in Birmingham and some time spent in London. This meant that I was deciding to take a break from…

CB: How Counselling has Benefitted me Thus Far

I have grown so much!!! My counsellor told me so 😝 And she’s known me since circa 2012. Haha but on a real, counselling has helped me so much. I have learned infinitely more about myself and I am still learning. First off, I’ve learned counselling does not only need to be for when you…

CB: I Attract Narcissists???

God Forbid. Just because words mean things. Haha! But I have noticed, some of the men I have attracted have a narcissistic streak. And I began to wonder what was it about me that attracts narcissists. First of all what is a Narcissist? Narcissist: someone who has an inflated sense of their own importance, a…

CB: I Am Worthy

Gosh! Does anyone ever think no one will love them until they’ve fixed all their imperfections? I do. I know it’s common 🙂 In my last session, I talked about not being able to love myself completely and thus disallowing a man to love me as well. My counsellor took no time to correct me,…

CB: Our Parents are Human Too

Forgiving our parents is a real thing that comes with age. How many of us used to think our parents were perfect? Or knew everything? Or even that they got everything right all the time? It’s hard not to think your parents are everything to us, when really they are the first things we come…

CB: I Don’t Know What That Means!

Anyone else become completely stumped when it comes to figuring out if someone likes you? Am I all alone on this confused hill of mine? With my counsellor, I have been discussing relationships and how I have never been able to tell if someone I like, likes me back. I mean unless you just come…

CB: Giving Grace, Having Patience

Another session has passed and boy… This was one to process. I will always be an advocate of counselling and I am happy to spew all the benefits that come from it. But sometimes in order to get to higher places of enlightenment of oneself, you gotta wade through those trenches. In my last session,…

CB: Familiarity in Relationships

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am an advocate of counselling and currently having sessions now (which I am absolutely loving btw!!). I thought I’d do regular posts about what I am learning on my journey of self-love and care. Maybe this will encourage someone to try it themselves or even change the…